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i am not sure if i got the problem… you have two questions…
1) a single choice question
to which area do you want to refer while responding?
100ha (v_35=1)
200ha (v_35=2)
500ha (v_35=3)
2) a multiple choice question
Choose max 3 crops you want to refer to for the activities
Cassava (v_56=1)
Maize (v_57=1)
Sugarcane (v_58=1)
with those two information (area and crops) you want to show up to three questions based on the selected crops refereing to the previously given area…?
I would do it with a total of three filters:
filter:v_56=1 -> “now you chose for Cassava in the area #v_35# bla bla”
filter:v_57=1 -> “now you chose for Maize in the area #v_35# bla bla”
filter:v_58=1 -> “now you chose for Sugarcane in the area #v_35# bla bla”
you dont need the variable content of #v_56# since you already know that you are in the Cassava question because of the filter v_56=1
or you can put all those three questions on the same page (instead of separate pages like above) and hide them from the user when the crop is not selected (have a look at hiding conditions of the questions)